Beat Those Hot Summer Days
How to Turn Bad Weather Days Into Fun Horse Training Sessions Even If Don’t Have an Arena
77 creative, purposeful and fun games to do with your horse despite summer heat, bad weather, lack of time and even if you have no arena or your horse is injured.
Does any of This Sound Familiar to You?
The Summer Blues: getting eaten by horse flies and mosquitoes and temperatures so hot that nobody wants to move, the riding arena so dry and dusty that nobody wants to be there.
The Winter Blues: short days, frozen riding arena, muddy riding arena or no riding arena at all, muddy or frozen paddock, snow and ice, cold wind
If we don’t have the luxury of a covered arena, we can’t do much with our horse besides feeding, and scooping poop.
You see your horse getting bored, grumpy and frustrated from lack of movement and mental stimulation. Skills are regressing and confidence is fading.
Your husband sees you getting restless, tense and frustrated.
The worst though is gradually losing connection with your horse and feeling stuck in your progression.
Having no functional arena since May 2022 and my entire pasture being on a muddy slope, I have walked in your shoes and I know how frustrating those periods can be.
That's why I decided to do something about it:
77 Creative, Purposeful and Fun Games to Do With Your Horse
7 Horse Training Categories, 77 Videos, More Than 8.5 Hours of Demonstrations and Explanations, a Total Value of $539 for the
Here is Everything That You Will Get
Relationship and Connection
6 ideas to deepen the relationship and connection. Bring the smile back on your face when you feel down and experience a sense of calm and peace when spending time with you horse.
$ 42.00 Value
Mobility and Body Awareness
14 exercises to keep your horse mobile and improve body awareness during times your horse isn’t in work. Bye bye feeling rusty after winter!
$ 98.00 Value
Politeness and Partnership
12 targeted exercises for polite partnership in daily life. For example: the cookie back up, teach your horse to chase the bridle and saddle himself! Daily life will be so much more relaxed with your horse.
$ 84.00 Value
Make Your Vet / Farrier Proud
13 exercises to prepare your horse for vet and farrier visits. For example: picking up the feet the magic way, voluntary hoof care and switching off the clippers. Next time your vet or farrier comes, they’ll be impressed by your horse’s manners!
$ 91.00 Value
Fun Stuff
15 fun tricks to teach your horse such as dance with me, recognizing colors or honking a horn! Show off in front of friends or make some kids happy or simply enjoy teaching tricks to your horse.
$ 105.00 Value
Improve Riding Without Riding
9 thoughtful tasks to improve riding without even riding. For an easy start into the riding season once the weather gets better again. Also suitable for young, not yet started horses.
$ 63.00 Value
Riding Without Arena
8 purposeful exercises to keep riding even if you have no arena, the field is slippery and you can’t go on trail rides. 10 minutes a session to stay on track and in keep your horse in routine so he doesn’t develop herd bound issues over the winter
$ 56.00 Value
Total Value of $539
Get All Of This For The
JUST $39!
This Is Your Moment
To Beat The Bad Weather Blues For GOOD
This Is Your Moment
To Beat The Winter Blues For GOOD - Save 92%
What "No Matter The Wheater" Will Do For You
Each one of those 77 exercises will strengthen the connection with your horse and deepen the relationship. So that even during periods where real “work session” aren’t possible, you maintain the connection with your horse.
Stay motivated and connected to your horse during times you can’t ride
Keep your horse happy and occupied during long periods of stall rest with fun little brain games.
It allows you to use the little time you have with your horse in a purposeful way. In just 10 minutes a session you build connection, motivation and you advance these little but important skills
Get a smile back on your face and feel good about your horse time even if your possibilities are limited
Keep your horses mobility and body awareness during periods of stall rest or no work.
Improve your horses manners in daily life so handling becomes joyful and safe. Your husband/partner will be impressed.
Solve little problems such as hard to bridle and defensive when saddling with some fun. I’ll show you how you can get your horse to even chase the bridle and saddle himself. This is also great if you have a young horse that’s not started yet.
Stay in routine with riding even when you have no arena, can’t go on trail rides and have no time with purposeful 10 minute riding exercises just on your driveway.
Get your horse to voluntarily participate in simple vet procedures such as oral medication, taking temperature, the clippers and needles. Your Vet will be impressed.
Become your farrier’s favorite client by learning how to pick up hoofs the magic way and teaching your horse to voluntarily participate in hoof care
77 "What Ever The Weather" games equals 77 times big fun for you and your horse.
Chitchat in the Barn
Your Questions Answered (FAQ)
Click the items below to read the answer
Yes, you will keep lifetime access to the 99 Challenges. So even if right now before the holidays, you don’t have time or the weather is bad, don’t worry about getting this now. You can watch it next spring when the weather is better and you have more time again.
This is NOT a subscription. Just one payment of $39 and its yours for life.
This is not a book and not a DVD. The videos are provided on my e-learning platform with the advantage that you will have instant access and can start watching right away. No need to wait for a parcel to arrive in your mail - or maybe even getting lost with international shipping.
This is not a DVD. The videos are provided on my e-learning platform. Right after purchase you will receive an email with your login data. You can access it immediately and watch whenever you have time and are looking for new inspiration.Yes, the course is suitable for foals as of weanling age. Each lesson has specifications about how to adapt the lesson to very young horses. In fact, this course is perfect for young horses!
YES! I made this specifically for YOU! Finally a program that gives you a ton of great ideas even if you have no arena!
If you don’t have much time for your horse No Matter The Weather is for you! The videos are short and to the point while giving you short but meaningful things to do with your horse. This will allow you to use the little time you have in a purposeful way.
Yes. You can log on from any device (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, iPhone, Mac,...) using the login details sent to you right after purchase.
Yes, you will be able to do most things with your yearling. Of course, a few tasks will be too complex - but you will get there as your yearlings' education progresses.
Get "No Matter The Weather"
And Do Something Together
Get "No Matter The Weather"
And Do Something Together With Your Horse
My "You Will Love It" Guarantee
I guarantee you'll love No Matter The Weather and your horse will love it too :)
This course will help you to stay inspired, creative and progressive with your horse especially when the weather is bad.
Guaranteed! If you don't agree, just tell me within 30 days and I will give you your money back.
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